Great Place to Live – Number One Place to Visit!

Published on Monday, 28 September 2020 at 10:49:00 AM

Respondents to the 2020 City of Busselton Community Satisfaction Survey have rated the City very highly as a great ‘place to live’. The City scored 88 points out of 100 on the ‘place to live’ performance indicator – up from the 2017 survey result and a clear 13 points above the industry average.

The City was the standout industry leader in the ‘place to visit’ category scoring 87 points - a whopping 21 points above the industry average. This is good news for the City given our reliance on tourism for driving the local economy and creating jobs.

City of Busselton Mayor Grant Henley said that overall the survey results were pleasing.

“In terms of overall performance, the City of Busselton ranked as the equal highest regional Local Government, but that is not to say there isn’t room for improvement. The survey outcomes will be explored further as part of the ‘Your City in 2035’ strategic community planning process. During this process the community will be invited to share their vision for the City and to provide input into how and where resources should be allocated in the future.”

In the 2020 survey, the City rated very highly in several key areas including liveability, a place to visit, economic development and access to goods and services. Respondents were also very satisfied with our streetscapes, footpaths and cycle-ways. Our libraries and events rated highly and significant improvement was noted around natural conservation, safety, security and playgrounds.”

Areas where the City performed relatively weaker or where a decline from past performance was evident included community consultation, waste and recycling, council vision and maintaining and enhancing the Vasse River and Toby Inlet.

A desire to see continued investment in new and improved infrastructure over the next decade was evident. Respondents also indicated a desire for Council to prioritize and / or continue to prioritize:

• Ensuring value for money from rates

• Balancing coastal protection and coastal development

• Supporting economic development

• Improving major transport networks

• Providing quality sport and recreational facilities

The 2020 Community Satisfaction survey was undertaken by an independent market researcher on behalf of the City of Busselton. It is statistically valid. Outcomes were benchmarked against past survey results and the results of other Western Australian Local Governments.

To view the full report and to find out more about the ‘Your City in 2035’ strategic community planning process, visit

Objectives outlined in this statement are aligned with Key Goal Area 6 in the City of Busselton’s Strategic Community Plan (Review 2019): Leadership is visionary, collaborative accessible.

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