The Break Dunsborough launched

Published on Monday, 5 September 2022 at 6:00:00 AM

City of Busselton is supporting young people and communities across the City with a new youth space in Dunsborough.

Called The Break, the centre is open to young people of all ages officially opened on Saturday 3 September 2022, and will provide a safe, inclusive and judgement free spaces for our young people to connect, make new friends and learn.

The State Government, through the Southwest Development Commission provided $80,000 to kick start the project and the facility was then built with the assistance of many local families, community groups and businesses.

Managed by the City’s Youth Services team, the aim of the space is to bring out the potential in young people through a wide range of activities like art/music workshops, upskill programs and youth activities whilst also being the home of the SHIFT Youth Crew.

Origins Market Busselton kindly donated a transportable building, Galvin Plumbing and Dunsborough Builder, Peter Lynch from One4Build assisted with the fit-out. The Lions Club of Dunsborough donated $10,000 which has gone towards supplying the new equipment for the facility.

This is also supported by Rio Tinto’s increased sponsorship of $80,000 per annum that will enable the City to expand learning and employment opportunities and provide a more consistent voice for local youth.

Local artist Sammy Allen, worked with local youth to design and install a 12m mural on the walls of the new building. The mural provides a dramatic fun background for the space.

Mayor Grant Henley said, The Break was named with input from our youth and will enable improved connection and engagement with young people in our community.” “Council is committed to providing opportunities for young people to be physically and socially active in our communities whilst also providing platforms to learn new skills and build capacity.” “The City has had a dedicated Youth Space in Busselton for nearly 5 years and it is great that the growing township of Dunsborough now has its own dedicated space” said the Mayor.

For further information including opening times please visit the City's website.

**Objectives outlined in this statement are aligned with the City of Busselton’s Strategic Community Plan (2021 - 2031) Key Themes Lifestyle: A place that is relaxed, safe and friendly with services and facilities that support our lifestyle.

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