Access and Inclusion

Our Commitment

At the City of Busselton, we encourage diversity and are committed to creating an accessible, inclusive, and welcoming community for people of all ages and abilities. We will continue to explore and investigate opportunities to remove or reduce barriers to participation in a wide range of activities and functions, with the intention of making a difference in the quality of life for people with disability who live, work, and spend time in our community.

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan

The City of Busselton’s Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2018 – 2022 (DAIP) focuses on delivering a friendly and safe community with a strong community spirit. The DAIP assists the City to determine the strategies needed to enhance and promote services that facilitate opportunity and inclusion for people with disability in our community. Local governments are required to have a DAIP and review it every five years in accordance with the Disability Services Act (1993) which was amended in 2004 to include this requirement.

Our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan is available in alternative formats upon request.

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2018 – 2022

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan Reference Group

The City has established a DAIP Reference Group to provide advice on a range of issues which affect the quality of life for people with disability who live or work in the City of Busselton. The objectives of the group are to:

  • Facilitate, through partnership with the City and the community, a planned approach to improvement of the City’s services and facilities to all community members, including people with disability, in terms of access and inclusion at a participatory and service level.
  • Provide technical/working advice relating to the implementation of the DAIP, including seeking access to funding opportunities.
  • Provide community and agency feedback relating to the implementation of the DAIP.
  • Contribute to the preparation and review of the DAIP Implementation Plan, including the development of project proposals.
  • Contribute to the review and reporting of the DAIP

DAIP Terms of Reference

Local service providers and resources

Find out about the disability support services available in our region by visiting My Community Directory.

Accessible community facilities and programs

Free beach wheelchair hire
Accessibility of our libraries
Accessibility of Geographe Leisure Centre
National Public Toilet Map

Related Information


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