Rural Numbering 

All rural properties in the City that have a residence, farm shed or commercial building on them should have a Rural Property Street Address.

The City installs green signs with reflective numbers that are placed alongside the entrance to each property/structure. After installation, the City will notify:

  • Police and Fire Services
  • Federal and State Electoral Commissions
  • NBN
  • Synergy Energy
  • Water Corporation
  • Alinta
  • Australia Post
  • Main Roads WA
  • St John Ambulance

The Rural Property Street Address is based on the distance from the start of the road to the entrance of your property/structure, with odd numbers on the left and even numbers on the right.

The number becomes your property's house number. It does not replace your lot number or title details.

If you have separate entrances to different buildings on your property, then each of them requires a separate number.

If you have a rural property that requires a Rural Number, please contact the GIS Team on (08) 9781 0444

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