Local Planning Scheme and Strategy

A Local Planning Scheme is a statutory document that categorises land into zones, and outlines how land within those zones may be used and developed.

How do I find the zoning of my property?

To find the zoning of your property, the Local Planning Scheme Maps can be viewed interactively by using the City’s Online Mapping tool. You will need to choose the ‘Local Planning Scheme 21’ Module to view the zoning maps.

This feature will provide you with the following information about the selected property:

  • Zoning
  • R-Code
  • Size of lot
  • Any Additional Uses or Special Provision
  • In a Special Character Area and/or Landscape Value Area

Where can I access the Local Planning Scheme?

The City’s current endorsed Scheme, Local Planning Scheme No. 21 can be downloaded here.

The Local Planning Scheme Maps can be viewed by using the City’s Online Mapping. You will need to choose the ‘Local Planning Scheme 21’ Module to view the zoning maps

The Local Planning Scheme is to be read in conjunction with Schedule 2 (the Deemed Provisions) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015.

Review of Local Planning Scheme No. 21

The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) has made a determination in regard to the review of Local Planning Scheme No. 21. The City is currently progressing a review of the Scheme 21. For more information, please visit our Your Say Busselton website here

What is a Local Planning Strategy?

The Local Planning Strategy was endorsed by the Western Australian Planning Commission on 13 March 2020 and provides the Council and the community with the vision and strategic planning direction for the City of Busselton for the next 10 to 15 years.

Preparation of the Local Planning Strategy has considered all relevant State and Council plans and policies, including the local ‘sector-based’ commercial, tourism, cultural, environmental and rural strategies listed below.

The strategy will also support and guide the review of the local planning scheme, which can be accessed via our Your Say Busselton website

Local Planning Strategy 

Was the community consulted on the Local Planning Strategy?

The City held information sessions in February 2013 and April 2016 and received 52 submissions and comments from the community.

Each submission was carefully considered by Council at its meeting of 14 September 2016, before the Strategy was sent to the State Government for approval.

Sector-based Strategies

Prior to the Local Planning Strategy, the City had previously prepared a number of ‘sector-based’ strategies, including:

Local Commercial Planning Strategy (2011)

Local Cultural Planning Strategy (2011)

Local Environmental Planning Strategy (2011)

Local Rural Planning Strategy (2006)

Local Tourism Planning Strategy (2011)

These ‘sector-based’ strategies will be reviewed, now that the Local Planning Strategy has been endorsed.

Other relevant strategic planning documents

Other documents that broadly guide the planning of the City of Busselton local government area are listed below:

Local Planning Scheme No. 21  

Leeuwin Naturaliste Sub-Regional Strategy 

Biodiversity Incentive Strategy 

Busselton Wetlands Conservation Strategy

State Planning Policies, including SPP 6.1: Leeuwin-Naturaliste Ridge

Liveable Neighbourhoods 

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