About Council and Committee Meetings

Council Meetings

Some items that appear on a Council agenda may not be debated and will be determined via a single ‘en bloc’ resolution of Council. Items to be debated will generally be identified prior to the meeting via a notification from Councillors and are listed on the Items for Debate page.

Supplementary Items can be included in a Council Meeting agenda up to 72 hours before a meeting.

Immediately preceding Council Meetings, the Agenda Briefing Sessions are held. Commencing at 4:30pm, Agenda Briefing Sessions are open to the public, and provide the opportunity to see what questions Councillors have on a current agenda item prior to its formal consideration at the Council Meeting. 

Information on Council Meeting processes and procedures, and Agenda Briefing Sessions are available by contacting Jo Barrett-Lennard on 08 9781 0338 or Jo.BarrettLennard@busselton.wa.gov.au 

For information on Community Access Sessions please visit our Interacting with Your Councillors page

Recordings of Council meetings, including live-streamed meetings can be viewed via the City's YouTube Channel, using the link below. 

 View Council Meetings - City YouTube Channel

Council Meeting Dates

Meetings are held at 5.30pm in the Civic and Administration Building - 2 Southern Drive, Busselton. 

Meeting Date
Meeting Type
5.30pm Wednesday 31 January 2024 Council Meeting
5.30pm Wednesday 21 February 2024 Council Meeting
5.30pm Wednesday 20 March 2024 Council Meeting
5.30pm Wednesday 17 April 2024 Council Meeting
5.30pm Wednesday 15 May 2024 Council Meeting
5.30pm Wednesday 19 June 2024 Council Meeting
5.30pm Wednesday 31 July 2024 Council Meeting
5.30pm Wednesday 21 August 2024 Council Meeting
5.30pm Wednesday 18 September 2024 Council Meeting
5.30pm Wednesday 16 October 2024 Council Meeting
5.30pm Wednesday 20 November 2024 Council Meeting
5.30pm Wednesday 11 December 2024 Council Meeting


Committee Meetings

The City of Busselton currently operates a range of Committees that provide advice to the Council to enable fully informed decisions to be made.

Committees of Council provide advice to the Council to enable decisions to be made.  Committees of Council cover various subjects including finance, policy development, airport operations and bush fire management. 

Airport Advisory Committee

This Committee is established to provide a normalised, proper and formalised forum for the discussion of issues and the formulation of suggestions and/or recommendations on issues associated with the airport.

All meetings will be held in the Council Chambers, Level 2, City of Busselton Civic and Administration Centre, 2 Southern Drive, Busselton. The meetings are open to the general public.

Terms of Reference: Airport Advisory Committee 

Meeting Dates
9.00am Wednesday 7 February 2024
9.00am Wednesday 3 April 2024
9.00am Wednesday 5 June 2024
9.00am Wednesday 7 August 2024
9.00am Wednesday 2 August 2024
9.00am Wednesday 4 December 2024

Audit and Risk Committee

The City of Busselton Audit and Risk Committee was established to fulfil the requirements of Local Government (Audit) Regulation 16. It is to provide an independent oversight of the financial systems of the local government on behalf of the Council. As such, the Committee will operate to assist Council to fulfil its corporate governance, stewardship, leadership and control responsibilities in relation to financial reporting and audit. It now also assists the Council with Internal Audit and Risk Management. 

Audit Committee: Terms of Reference

Meeting Dates
10.00am Wednesday 13 March 2024
10.00am Wednesday 8 May 2024
9.00am Wednesday 24 July 2024
10.00am Wednesday 13 November 2024

Behaviour Complaints Committee

This Committee is delegated the power and authority to make findings or dismiss complaints in relation to alleged breaches of Part 3 of the City of Busselton Code of Conduct for Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates. 

Behaviour Complaints Committee: Terms of Reference

Bush Fires Advisory Committee

The Committee is established to provide advice to Council in regard to all matters relating to bush fire control, prevention and management, including recommendation on the annual firebreak requirements, capital (equipment) purchase, review of firefighting/prevention practices and firefighting training.

Terms of Reference: Bush Fires Advisory Committee

CEO Performance Review Committee

The Committee is established for the purpose of assisting the Council to fulfil its functions under the City of Busselton Standards for CEO Recruitment, Performance Review and Termination (CEO Standards) in relation to review of the Chief Executive Officer's (CEO) performance. 

Terms of Reference: CEO Performance Review Committee

Meeting Dates
11.00am Wednesday 17 April 2024
10.00am Wednesday 9 October 2024

Finance Committee

The Committee is established for the purpose of assisting the Council to undertake its role under Section 2.7(2)(a) of the Act, to oversee the allocation of the local government's finances and resources.

All meetings will held in the Council Chambers, Level 2, City of Busselton Civic and  Administration Centre, 2 Southern Drive, Busselton. The meetings are open to the general public.

Terms of Reference: Finance Committee

Meeting Date
10.00am Wednesday 7 February 2024
10.00am Wednesday 6 March 2024
10.00am Wednesday 3 April 2024
10.00am Wednesday 1 May 2024
10.00am Wednesday 5 June 2024
10.00am Wednesday 24 July 2024
10.00am Wednesday 7 August 2024
10.00am Wednesday 4 September 2024
10.00am Wednesday 2 October 2024
10.00am Wednesday 6 November 2024
10.00am Wednesday 4 December 2024

Local Emergency Management Committee

Terms of Reference: LEMC

Meelup Regional Park Committee

The Meelup Regional Park Committee was established to care for, control and manage Meelup Regional Park and to develop a strategic plan for the park.

The meetings will commence at 10.00am and be held in the Greenfield Community Meeting Room on Dunsborough Lakes Drive (next to the Men’s Shed).

Terms of Reference: Meelup Regional Park Committee

Terms of Reference: Meelup Regional Park Working Group

Governance of Meelup Regional Park

Policy and Legislation Committee

The Committee is established for the purpose of assisting the Council to undertake its role under Section 2.7(2) (b) of the Act, to determine the local government's policies, and its legislative function in accordance with Division 2 of Part 3 of the Act.

All meetings will be held in the Council Chambers, Level 2, City of Busselton Civic and  Administration Centre, 2 Southern Drive, Busselton. The meetings are open to the general public.

Terms of Reference: Policy and Legislation Committee

Meeting Date
10.00am Wednesday 24 January 2024
10.00am Wednesday 20 March 2024
10.00am Wednesday 15 May 2024
10.00am Wednesday 31 July 2024
10.00am Wednesday18 September 2024
10.00am Wednesday 20 November 2024

Waterways Management Committee

The Waterways Management Committee was established to care for the Vasse River and Toby Inlet. 

Terms of Reference: Waterways Management Committee

Related Information

Minutes and Agendas

Interacting with Your Councillors

Advisory and Working Groups

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