Strategic and Corporate Planning

The City of Busselton's Integrated Planning Framework responds to the aspirations and goals of our community and helps us to plan for the future.

Strategic Community Plan

The Strategic Community Plan is the City’s overarching plan that guides Council’s decision making on matters affecting our community.

A major review of the Plan is done every four years to ensure it continues to reflect the community’s aspirations and objectives.

The City of Busselton Strategic Community Plan for 2021-2031 can be found below. 

Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031

Corporate Business Plan

The City’s Corporate Business Plan is a high level, four year schedule of organisational projects, priority actions, services, and performance measurements designed to deliver aspects of the Strategic Community Plan that Council has responsibility for.

Corporate Business Plan 2023-2027

Supporting the Corporate Business Plan are resourcing documents that collectively provide information about the revenue, assets, expenditure, staff and time required to support the achievement of our community objectives. These plans contribute toward the production of a resourced and workable Corporate Business Plan.

Long Term Financial Plan

A ten year plan setting out the City’s longer term financial resourcing requirements, for the sustainable delivery of desired services and actions.

Long Term Financial Plan - 2022/23-2031/32 

Workforce Plan

A four year plan of the key strategic human resource requirements and strategies to build a capable, engaged and healthy workforce. 

Workforce Plan 2019-2023

Asset Management Plan

An overview of City assets and the requirements for the ongoing operation, renewal and refurbishment of assets. This broader plan is supported by detailed plans for each asset category.

Asset Management Plan

Annual Budget

Containing details of projected spending over the course of the year.

Council assesses the progress of the Corporate Business Plan every six (6) months and publishes a yearly progress summary in the Annual Report.

Annual Budgets 

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