Port Geographe

Port Geographe is a privately developed marina and canal development near Busselton.

The original coastal structures, built as part of the initial marina and canal development in the 1990s, caused serious seagrass wrack accumulation on the western side of the development and amplified coastal erosion on the adjacent eastern coast.

The Department of Transport is responsible for the ongoing management and maintenance of the area and further information can be found via the Department of Transport website.

Jetty Licences

Residents wishing to construct jetties in Port Geographe must do so in accordance with the approved mooring plans available at the Department of Transport website.  

Related Information

LPP 1.3 Private Jetties and Boat Lifting Structures

Reconfiguration of the groynes at Port Geographe

Following a period of lobbying, a series of studies, research and computer modelling, the State government committed $28.15M in 2014 to address the seagrass accumulation and sand erosion problems caused by the Port Geographe groynes. 

The principal objective of the reconfiguration was to reshape the coastline and facilitate the natural movement of sand and seagrass from west to east.  It was always anticipated that a need for some mechanical intervention, either in the form of pumping, dredging or other forms of seagrass removal would remain a requirement, but in a far less invasive and prolonged manner. 

Geographe Bay Seagrass Study and Sand Modelling

Following an extension to the studies in seagrass wrack dynamics and modelling completed by the University of Western Australia, Edith Cowan University and independent research company DHI in 2010, the City of Busselton and the Department of Transport funded further detailed investigation into the transport of sand (sediment) within the bay and how it impacts the proposed structural changes designed to facilitate natural bypassing of seagrass.

The University of Western Australia (UWA) report of April 2010 follows detailed computer modelling by UWA scientists, led by Prof Charitha Pattiaratchi and guided by a specially formed community reference group, to assess how the proposed reconfiguration would impact on the transport of sediment.

The Port Geographe Sediment and Seagrass Reference Group provided support for the UWA concept in its recommendation to the Port Geographe Community Consultation Forum (PGCCF) on 1 October 2010.

The PGCCF, chaired by Hon Barry House MLC, in turn endorsed the reference group recommendations. The concept has since been finalised following additional fine tuning and testing with a view to achieving a greatly improved flow of seagrass wrack and sediment in the area.

The modifications included:

  • Reconfiguration of the shape and length of the western breakwater;
  • Removal of the ‘Moonlight Bay’ groynes to eliminate trapping of sediment and seagrass wrack;
  • Re-alignment of the development foreshore; and,
  • Modification of the eastern seawall to address beach erosion at Wonnerup.

The outcomes of this study can be viewed by visiting the Department of Transport website

Copies of the report and the synopsis on seagrass dynamics are also available in hard copy or CD at Busselton Library.

Seagrass and Sediment Study Reference Group

Assistance was provided to the Department of Transport in the establishment and running of a community reference group to discuss the proposed groyne reconfiguration at Port Geographe. The group met on three occasions and was attended by approximately 20 members of the community selected from applications received in response to requests made to those most likely to be affected by the proposals.

The third and final meeting of the group took place on 30th September 2010 and the recommendations and outcomes were put to the Port Geographe Community Consultation Forum.

Minutes of the meetings and the summary recommendations can be viewed or downloaded from the Department of Transport website.

The modelling undertaken by the University of Western Australia underwent further validation with inputs of seasonal weather data. Following recommendations from experienced coastal engineers some adjustments were made to assess the extent to which dredging of the entrance might be required in the future.

Reports and further information can be located on the Department of Transport website

Port Geographe Community Consultation Forum Terms of Reference 

The Port Geographe Community Consultation Forum was established in April 2009, by the Hon John Day MLA, Minister for Planning:

  1. To provide a point of liaison between the Government, the City of Busselton, the Developers and the local community on Port Geographe issues.
  2. Bring to the Government issues of concern on coastal management, waterway management and other health and environment issues.
  3. Provide the community a mechanism to comment on Port Geographe including but not limited to:
  • Management activities which impact on local residents, including wrack/sand bypassing.
  • Investigatory studies which aim to address the current environmental and engineering issues including beach wrack, bypassing and coastal erosion, and water quality.
  • Proposed infrastructure solutions to the issues, including entrance groyne modifications, other coastal structures at Port Geographe and infrastructure associated with water quality.

On the 30 September 2010, the third and final meeting of the Port Geographe Sediment and Seagrass Reference Group was facilitated, and a series of conceptual recommendations were formulated.

The meeting of PGCCF held on the following day; 1 October 2010, unequivocally endorsed the scope of community stakeholder engagement undertaken by the Port Geographe Sediment and Seagrass Reference Group, and the recommendations arising out of this process.

Subjects of principle focus for the PGCCF meeting of 01/10/10 were:

  • Tender allocation, and timing of the 2010 works program,(Shire and DOT).
  • Progress and projected completion date for the sand/sediment study; 2010.
  • Correlation and comparison of Shire and community H2S data.
  • Engagement and inclusion strategies for Port Geographe residents, stakeholders and interested associate parties.
  • Formulation of correspondence to the Premier, and associated relevant State Government Ministers, seeking resolution to the ongoing and protracted problems inherent to the Port Geographe development.

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