Walk, Bike, Hike & Discover
City of Busselton has more than 200km of shared paths connecting neighbourhoods with town centres, local attractions, schools and community hubs and there is 506km of designated sanctioned trails throughout the Leeuwin Naturaliste Region. 
Walk, Ride and Discover Map
Walking and cycling play a significant role in physical health and mental wellbeing - consider leaving the car keys at home and walk and cycle instead, especially on shorter journeys. Download the maps below to explore the network of walking and cycling paths, and enjoy the beautiful natural landscape of Busselton, Vasse, Dunsborough and surrounds.
Walk, Ride & Discover Map
Trails - Mountain Bike, Walk, Hike, Horse
Explore the 506km of designated sanctioned trails throughout the Leeuwin Naturaliste Region. There are various websites that collate trails within the area.
Trails WA
Cape Mountain Bikers
Dunsborough Country Club
Cape to Cape Track
The City of Busselton and Shire of Augusta Margaret River have partnered together to develop the Leeuwin Naturaliste Regional Trails Strategy that will guide future trail experiences, development, maintenance and promotion.
Bike Hire
Dunsborough Bike Hire
Busselton Bike Hire
Bike Sales and Service
Bike Clubs
Busselton Cycle Club
Cape Mountain Bikers
Dunsborough Country Club
Geographe Cycle Club
Walking Groups
Walking heart Foundation
Related Information
Leeuwin Naturaliste Regional Trails Strategy