Unhosted Short-Term Rental Accommodation (STRA) Regulatory Framework 

As part of changes to the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations in November 2024 Holiday Homes are now referred to as Unhosted Short-Term Rental Accommodation (STRA).

Whilst a development (planning) application still applies for Unhosted STRA, the City of Busselton are no longer managing the Registration of Unhosted STRA. This is now held with the State Government of Western Australia.

For further information or to register your Unhosted STRA please visit the WA website below. 

Short-Term Rental Accommodation (STRA) Initiatives

New Unhosted Short-Term Rental Accommodation (formerly Holiday Homes) 

Are you planning to use your property to accommodate guests for short-term accommodation?

If you are proposing to use a Dwelling as an Unhosted STRA, where guests have the exclusive use of the entire Dwelling and there will be no manager presence on site either within the Dwelling and/or associated Ancillary Dwelling on the same site, the following approvals will be required via a two-step process.

  1. Obtain development (planning) approval from the City - A development (planning) approval will be required to change the use of the Dwelling to Unhosted Short-Term Rental Accommodation (formerly Holiday Home).
  2. Register the STRA premises with Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety - Register the property on the Short-Term Rental Accommodation Register here >>

Refer to the Unhosted Short-Term Rental Accommodation page for more information.

Existing Unhosted STRA (formerly Holiday Homes)

STRA properties are either hosted  where the host lives onsite, or unhosted  where guests have exclusive use of an entire house, unit or apartment.

Other tourist accommodation

Whilst there are exemptions from the requirement to register some short-stay arrangements with the WA State Government, development (planning) approval may be required to operate these types of accommodation.  

Please direct any enquiries regarding other short-stay arrangements (for example; Chalets, Tourist Accommodation etc.) to the City's Planning Services via email. The City will advise if a development (planning) approval is required or where a development (planning) approval has been granted, provide information regarding the approved land use of the premises and any further requirements that may apply to your circumstances.


What happens if I buy or sell an Unhosted STRA? 

If a property changes ownership, any valid development (planning) approval for an Unhosted STRA (formerly Holiday Home) remains with the land.

Should the new landowner(s) wish to continue operating as an Unhosted STRA, the premises will need to be registered with the State Government on the STRA register here.

Refer to the Unhosted Short-Term Rental Accommodation page for more information.

How do I increase the number of guests that can stay?

A development (planning) approval for an Unhosted STRA (formerly Holiday Home) will include a condition which limits the maximum number of guests.

Should you wish to increase the maximum number of guests, a new development (planning) approval will need to be submitted to the City.

Refer to the Unhosted Short-Term Rental Accommodation page for more information.

Why does my Unhosted STRA require a sign?

Unhosted STRA are required to provide a sign within the subject site, which displays the current contact details for the manager of the premises.

Surrounding residents or members of the public may report any concerns in relation to the operation and/or conduct of guests staying at the premises directly to the property manager.

The property manager is required to provide prompt resolution to any reported matters.

What are the standard practices Unhosted STRA operators must follow?

Unhosted STRA are subject to the provisions of the Local Planning Policy 4.1 Holiday Homes. Operators of an Unhosted STRA are required to comply with any condition(s) of development (planning) approval, including but not limited to:

  • Maximum number of guests and people approved to be at the premises.
  • Minimum number of designated car parking bays.
  • Unhosted Short-Term Rental Accommodation Operational Management Plan.
  • Conduct of guests.
  • Management of dogs brought to the premises by guests.
  • Waste disposal and potable water.

When does registration renewal occur?

Your registration will expire 12 months after the STRA registration is completed. You will receive various reminders, leading up to the expiration of your registration, that your registration will be due for renewal.

Having issues with a holiday home near you?

All Unhosted STRA are required to provide a sign within the subject site, which displays the current contact details for the manager of the premises.

Please report any concerns in relation to the operation of an Unhosted STRA or the conduct of guests to the property manager in the first instance.

If the matter is not resolved by the property manager, please report your concern to the City via our Report It form below.

Report It

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