
Dieback is an introduced disease with no known cure caused by the plant pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi- a soil-borne water mould that poses a significant threat to biodiversity. 

The Impacts 

  • The disease attacks the roots of its host plants causing the roots to rot, this kills the plant by preventing the uptake of water and nutrients
  • Over 40 percent of WA plant species are susceptible to this disease
  • Common plants such as jarrah, banksias and grass trees are susceptible to the disease, horticultural plants such as apples, peaches, apricots and avocados, grapevines and roses are also susceptible to the disease
  • The movement of infected soil, plant material or water containing dieback spores, particularly under warm, moist conditions, will spread the disease into uninfected areas
  • The disease is primarily spread by the movement of soil and mud on boots, bikes, vehicles and machinery

Prevent the Spread

To prevent the spread of dieback - ARRIVE CLEAN - LEAVE CLEAN - in all natural areas

Treating Plants on Your Property

  • Phosphite can be used to protect plants against Phytophthora Dieback
  • Phosphite is a biodegradable fungicide - the phosphite works by boosting the plants natural defences and this allows susceptible plants to survive in affected bushland
  • It is important to note that phosphite does not eradicate Phytophthora Dieback
  • Phosphite can be obtained at most nurseries and rural supply stores

Hire a Dieback Treatment Kit

  • The City has Dieback treatment kits to hire at no charge.
  • The kit contains instructions on use, phosphite, tree injectors and safety equipment. There is also a backpack spray unit to hire for foliar spraying. 
  • Injection can provide protection for 3-5 years while the spray will provide protection for 1 -2 years.

To hire, please call the City on 08 9781 0444.

Hire a Dieback Spray Unit and Trailer 

If your native bushland has or is at risk from dieback, phosphite spray will give native plants 2 to 3 years resistance against the disease. The Busselton Dieback Working Group has a trailer-mounted spray unit available for hire. It’s only used for phosphite so it is free of pesticides and other unwanted chemicals.

The spray unit has a 30 metre hose with a 20 m spray distance, allowing you to cover areas up to 50 m from the roadway or track used to gain access to your vegetation. One tank full will cover an area 100-200 m long by 30 m wide in forested bushland, more in low scrub, less in dense bushland.

It's best to have two people using this spray unit: one to drive the vehicle; the second to operate the spray.

It shouldn't be used on a hot day or when rain is forecast within 24 hours.

Contact Julie or Duncan via the group's Facebook page or on 0419 969 741, if you'd like to hire the spray unit and trailer. Cost to hire the trailer is $50 per day, plus Phosphite at a cost recovery rate of $40 per tank full.



Related Information

Dieback Working Group Inc

Managing Phytophthora Dieback in Bushland Brochure

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