Annual Budgets and Schedule of Fees and Charges

The annual budget is one of the City of Busselton's key financial planning documents and is underpinned by Council's Strategic Plan and Ten Year Financial Plan.

The annual budget sets out the proposed activities and sources of revenue for a discrete financial year, and forms the basis of monthly reporting to Council on the organisation's financial performance.

The Local Government Act and associated Regulations specify the form and manner in which a local government is to present its annual budget. In addition to satisfying statutory requirements, the City of Busselton's annual budget provides additional information for the benefits of users. The City of Busselton's annual budget documentation contains the following:

The annual budget, presented on an accrual basis, and set out in a statutory financial statement format.

  • The annual budget, presented on a cash basis and by local government program. This budget format provides details of individual line items by sub program and program, and as such, forms the basis of internal management reporting.
  • A Memorandum of Imposing Rates and Charges that provides information on rates levied, waste collection charges, and amongst others, any rating concessions available
  • A Schedule of Fees and Charges that will apply for the duration of the financial year
  • A Works Schedule that provides more detailed information in respect of proposed operating and capital works that are included within the annual budget

A hard copy of the annual budget can be viewed at the City of Busselton's Customer Service Centre, the Busselton and Dunsborough Libraries or alternatively via this website.

Council's Annual Budget is also available for viewing below.


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