Minor Donations Program

The intent of this program is to support the local community by providing minor sponsorship and/or in-kind support to:

  • Enable individuals to pursue endeavours which have a positive reflection on the City of Busselton. This includes representing the City at a state, national or international sporting or cultural event.
  • Assist community groups to run events and activities with a direct community benefit that do not qualify for funding through the City’s other Community Funding Programs.

Funding Available

Sponsorship and/or in-kind support is available per applicant, subject to funding availability. Applications will be assessed on a case by case basis, considering the direct benefit to the community and the significance of the representation, activity or event. As a general rule up to $500 for individuals and up to $1000 for groups.

Who can Apply

Applicants must be City of Busselton residents or, in the case of a group or team, must be operating from and based in the City of Busselton.

Applications must meet the eligibility criteria below:

Individuals - City Representation

  • Individual is representing the municipality in sporting, cultural or community activities that provide a direct benefit to the City of Busselton community
  • Relevant supporting materials, including proof of selection, are included with the application
  • Applications where two or more members of a club or community group are attending an event will require an application to be submitted from the club.

Groups – Programs, competitions, events and activities

  • Must demonstrate broad community involvement and benefit
  • Must be staged in a public place within the City of Busselton
  • Must be a not-for-profit program, competition, event or activity
  • Identify sponsorship recognition opportunities for the City of Busselton (where relevant)

When to Apply

Applications are invited on an ongoing basis until funds available in the City’s annual budget are expended.

As general rule, applicants will only be eligible to apply for funding once within any financial year.

How to Apply 

Apply at least 28 days prior to the date of the event or activity.

Click the link below to begin your application.

Application Form

Outcome of Application 

Once you have submitted your application you will receive an email acknowledging receipt.

The City will seek to provide an outcome within 28 working days. Applicants will be notified of funding decisions via email.

If you would like to discuss your application, contact the City’s Governance Team on 08 9781 0444.

Related Information

Sponsorship Arrangements

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