
A petition is a formal written request to Council to consider a matter of concern to the community.

The subject of a petition must be a matter on which the City of Busselton has the power to act and the petition must meet the requirements of the City’s Standing Orders Local Law 2018, as set out in clause 6.9.  Specifically that it:

  • be addressed to the Mayor;
  • be made by electors of the district;
  • state the request on each page of the petition;
  • contain the name, address and signature of each elector making the request;
  • contain a summary of the reasons for the request;
  • state the name of the person to whom, and an address at which, notice to the petitioners can be given; and
  • be respectful and temperate in its language.

Please use the City’s petition form here or take care to ensure the wording of your petition conforms to these requirements, so that it can be considered by Council.

Although a minimum amount of signatures is not required for the petition to be accepted, the amount of signatories may indicate the level of public support for the petition. Only electors of the City of Busselton district should be included as signatories to the petition.

The City of Busselton will accept petitions delivered by mail or by hand to its Administration Building (2 Southern Drive, Busselton, WA 6280) and by email at

In accordance with the Standing Orders, the Council may then determine that:

  • the petition be received;
  • the petition be rejected;
  • the petition be received and referred to the CEO to prepare a report to the Council or Committee; or
  • the petition be received and referred to the CEO for action.

 After you have lodged your petition, you will receive correspondence from the City confirming receipt of the petition. Please ensure you provide a contact point for the petition to enable Council or relevant officers to correspond with the petitioners.

Please contact the City prior to lodging a petition if you require any assistance with the requirements of the petition.

Related Information

Petition Form

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