Impounded Pets

Get all the information you need on impounded cats and dogs, or click below to view impounded animals. 

View Impounded Animals 

How to Claim an Impounded Pet

Contact City of Busselton Rangers on 08 9781 0444 to claim an impounded pet.

Prior to release you will need to:

  • provide proof of ownership
  • pay all fees and charges
  • register your pet (if not already registered)

To register a dog it must be microchipped.

To register a cat it must be sterilised and microchipped.

Impound Fees

The City is able to charge all reasonable costs associated with impounding an animal.

Fees may include:

  • $198 impound fee 
  • $33 daily sustenance fee added after three days and for each day thereafter
  • Registration fees if applicable

During business hours, all fees and charges are to be paid at the City’s main office.

After-hours EFTPOS payment may be made by prior arrangement.

Collection of an Impounded Pet

Impounded pets may be collected from the City’s Animal Care Facility (Pound) Monday to Friday, except public holidays, between 12:00 noon and 1:00pm.

Please contact Rangers to arrange collection of impounded animals outside of those times.

The Pound is located at 306 Queen Elizabeth Drive, Ambergate.

The Period of Time Impounded Animals are Kept

The period of time the City is required to keep an impounded animal is prescribed by law.

Period of Time an Animal is Kept

Owner Identified *Owner Not Identified
Cat 7 working days 72 hours
Dog 7 days 72 hours

*The City generally keeps impounded animals for 7 days where the owner has not been identified.

Surrendering Cats and Dogs

If you’re unable to keep your cat or dog you may surrender it to the City.

To surrender your pet fill out and sign an animal surrender form (below) and pay a $155 surrender fee at the City’s Administration Office.

Surrendered pets will be temperament tested and if suitable, released to an approved animal rescue group for rehoming.

Animal Surrender Form

Rescued Animal Adoption

The City supports and encourages the adoption of recued cats and dogs though recognised animal rescue and welfare organisations.

Currently, the City has formal arrangements with Saving Animals From Euthanasia (SAFE) Busselton for the rehoming of unclaimed cats and dogs. Prior to being rehomed the animal is registered, sterilised and vaccinated.

We do not rehome unclaimed animals to individual members of the public.

Animal Rescue Groups

The following is a list of rescue groups and animal welfare organisations that offer animals for adoption:

Animal Welfare

RSPCA is Australia’s peak animal welfare organisation. Call 1300 278 3589 to report animal welfare or cruelty concerns.

Related Information

Dog Information

Cat Information

Animal Care Facility

Impounded Animals

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