Dog Exercise Areas

There are areas within our district where dogs are prohibited, where they are permitted on-leash, and where they are permitted to be exercised off-leash. Some off-leash areas are seasonal.

The person who is in charge of a dog in a public area should look out for and comply with all signs relating to the control of dogs.

Effective Control of Dogs

When in public a dog should be held on a leash by a person who is capable of controlling the dog.

When off-leash in an approved dog exercise area, the person who is in charge of the dog is required to have effective control of the dog at all times.

Effective control means the dog:

  • can always be seen by the person in charge
  • immediately obeys voice commands even when distracted
  • is not disturbing or harassing other people or animals including wildlife

Places (other than beaches) Where Dogs are Prohibited

  • Busselton Jetty
  • Busselton-Margaret River Regional Airport
  • Cemeteries
  • Children’s Playgrounds
  • City Depot and Waste Management sites
  • Meelup Regional Park (other than the Eagle Bay dog exercise beach)
  • Public Buildings
  • Active playing surface of reserves during organised sporting events including training.

Places (other than beaches) Where Dogs are Permitted On-Leash

Dogs must be on-leash at all times on the City’s network of footpaths and shared paths. Dogs are permitted on-leash in the following areas:

  • Busselton Foreshore between Marine Tce, the coast, Geographe Bay Rd and Gale St
  • Dugalup Brook Reserve
  • Dunsborough Foreshore between Gifford Rd and Centennial Park car park
  • Grass Reserves in Yallingup between the coast, Yallingup Beach Rd, Valley Rd and Dawson Dve
  • Lions Park
  • Mitchell Park
  • Seymour Park
  • Areas around active playing surface of reserves during organised sporting events including training

Dogs are prohibited from the areas listed above during organised events.

Places (other than beaches) where Dogs are Permitted to be Exercised Off-leash

Unless listed above, dogs are permitted off-leash on all grassed areas of the City’s parks and reserves.

Dogs on City Beaches

City beaches provide a mix of areas where dogs are:

  • prohibited at all times
  • permitted to be exercised off-leash at all times
  • permitted to be exercised off-leash with seasonal restrictions

You can access the Dog Exercise Areas - Beaches brochure here which provides information on the management of dogs on beaches. Or simply click on the images below to see all the dog beach maps. 

The City does not regulate the management of dogs on State Government beaches. Enquiries relating to State Government beaches should be directed to Parks and Wildlife Services on 9752 5555.

Dogs on City Beaches Maps 

Please click on the images below to see a full view of the maps. 


Related Information

Dog Exercise Areas - Beaches brochure

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