Waste Water

Properties located in areas within the City of Busselton that don’t have deep sewer are required to install onsite effluent systems.

The type and size of system will depend on site details including

  • Scale of development
  • Volume of wastewater produced
  • Type of soil
  • Proximity of water bodies or groundwater

Contact the Water Corporation to determine whether deep sewer is available.

Contact a licensed plumber to ascertain the most appropriate effluent system for your property.


For residential property’s using less that 540L/day an Application To Construct or Install an Apparatus for the Treatment of Sewage must be made to the City for approval to install the system. The City must undertake an inspection of the system before it can be used.

Assessment will be completed within 21 days of all relevant documentation being received and applications fees being paid.

A number of systems can be chosen from, however, the system must meet the required environmental conditions and volume capacity.

For more information on the different types of systems please refer to the Department of Health WA website or contact a licensed plumber for advice.

Application To Construct or Install an Apparatus for the Treatment of Sewage


Effluent disposal for larger residences or commercial premises requires approval from the Department of Health WA.

The City accepts the fee and application form (below) on behalf of the Dept. of Health. The application is submitted to the Dept. of Health along with a supporting report prepared by the City.

Please contact the Department of Health WA for guidance on the application and approval of a commercial system.

The application must be submitted and approval received before installing the system. A Permit to Use must be obtained prior to using the system.

Application To Construct or Install an Apparatus for the Treatment of Sewage


When connecting to deep sewer, the old septic system is required to be decommissioned. You can see more information on decommissioning on the Department of Health website.   

A contractor carries out the works and send’s notification of decommissioning of a septic apparatus to the City and property records are updated. If you need plans of an existing septic system, contact the City and we can check if they are held on file.

Decommissioning of a Septic Apparatus Form 

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