Election Enrolment 

Check your enrolment

Local Government Elections are held every two years, on the third Saturday in October.

Residents and ratepayers of the City of Busselton are encouraged to check their enrolment ahead of elections to ensure they able to vote.

You are eligible to vote in a Local Government Election if:

  • you are a resident of the City of Busselton and are enrolled to vote in State elections; or
  • you are enrolled to vote in State or Federal elections, own or occupy rateable property in the City, and have made a successful eligibility claim.

To check if your electoral details are up to date, please visit the Australian Electoral Commission website.

Owners and Occupiers Roll

If you are enrolled to vote in State or Federal elections for a residential address outside the City of Busselton, and own or occupy rateable property in the City you are eligible to make a claim to be on the Owners and Occupiers Roll.

To make a claim please submit the relevant form(s) to the City. 
The City will then make an assessment of the eligibility of the claim. If a claim is unsuccessful the City will provide you with reasons why the claim was rejected.

Form 2A – Enrolment Eligibility Claim – Occupier or Co-owner

You should fill in this form if you want to vote at local government elections for that district and you:

  • own rateable property in a district but are not on the residents roll in that district; or
  • qualify under clause 12 of Schedule 9.3 of the Act based on ownership.

Form 2A - Enrolment Eligibility Claim - Occupier or Co-owner 

Form 2B – Enrolment Eligibility Claim - Occupier or Co-occupier

You should fill in this form if you want to vote at local government elections for that district and you:

  • occupy rateable property in a district or ward but are not on the residents roll in that district or ward; or
  • qualify under clause 12 of Schedule 9.3 to the Act based on occupation.

Form 2B – Enrolment Eligibility Claim – Occupier or Co-occupier

Form 2C – Enrolment Eligibility Claim Nomination by group of Co-Owners/Occupiers

You should fill in this form if you want your nominees to vote at local government elections for that district and you:

  • own or occupy rateable property in a district as a group of 3 or more people; and
  • the nominees are not on the residents roll in that district.

This form must be submitted alongside either a Form 2A or Form 2B.

Form 2C – Enrolment Eligibility Claim Nomination by group of Co-Owners/Occupiers

Form 2D – Enrolment Eligibility Claim Nomination by Body Corporate

You should fill in this form if your body corporate wants your nominees to vote at local government elections for that district and you:

  • own or occupy rateable property in a district; and
  • the nominees are not on the residents roll in that district.

This form must be submitted alongside either a Form 2A or Form 2B.

Form 2D – Enrolment Eligibility Claim Nomination by Body Corporate

Please send completed forms by post to:

The Chief Executive Officer
City of Busselton, Locked bag 1, BUSSELTON WA 6280
or by email to city@busselton.wa.gov.au


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