Registers for Public Viewing
Gift Disclosure Information
Elected Members and the Chief Executive Officer are required to disclose gifts which are valued over $300 or are two or more gifts with a cumulative value over $300 (where the gifts are received from the same donor in a 12 month period) within 10 days of receipt [Sections 5.87A & 5.87B Local Government Act 1995].
Employees are required to disclose gifts valued between $50 and $300 or are two or more gifts with a cumulative value between $50 and $300 (where the gifts are received from the same donor in a 12 month period) within 10 days of receipt. Gifts over the value of $300 are prohibited [R.34B Local Government (Administration) Regulations].
Related Information
Register of Gifts for Employees: 2019 - Current
Register of Gifts for Councillors and CEO : October 2019 - Current
Archived Register of Contributions to Travel March 2016-October 2019
Archived Register of Gifts March 2016-October 2019
Electoral Gift Register
Candidates in local government elections have legislative obligations in relation to the disclosure of gifts leading up to the local government elections.
The Local Government (Elections) Regulations 1997 requires candidates to disclose information about any electoral related gift with a value of $300 or more that was given or promised during the disclosure period.
The disclosure period commences six months prior to Election Day. The disclosure period finishes three days after Election Day (for unsuccessful candidates) and on the start day for financial interest returns for successful candidates.
A ‘gift’ means a disposition of property, or the conferral of any financial benefit, made by one person in favour of another. It can include:
- A gift of money
- A gift which is non-monetary but of value
- A gift in kind or where there is inadequate financial consideration such as the receipt of a discount (where the difference or the discount is worth more than $200)
- A financial or other contribution to travel
- The provision of a service for no consideration or for inadequate consideration
- A firm promise or agreement to give a gift at some future time.
It is important to note that a gift could be one or more gifts from the same donor that has a combined value of $300 or more.
All disclosure are to be made to the City of Busselton Chief Executive Officer on an LG09A Disclosure of Gifts Form.
The City’s Electoral Gift Register is provided below.
Electoral Gift Register
Register of Annual and Primary Returns
Elected Members and Designated Employees (those employees who have delegations attached to their roles) are required to lodge a primary return within 3 months of their commencement date and an annual return pursuant to sections 5.75 and 5.76 of the Local Government Act 1995.
In accordance with section 5.96A(1)(i) of the Local Government Act 1995 and regulation 29C of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, the name of each Elected Member and the position of each employee who lodged a primary or annual return for a financial year must be published to the City's website:
Register of Primary and Annual Returns from 2024 to 2025
Register of Primary and Annual Returns from 2023 to 2024
Register of Primary and Annual Returns from 2022 to 2023
Register of Primary and Annual Returns from 2021 to 2022
Register of Complaints (Minor Breach Findings)
Pursuant to section 5.121 of the Local Government Act 1995, this register contains records of complaints which record all complaints that result in a finding under section 5.110(2)(a) that a minor breach has occurred.
The CEO must publish an up-to-date version of the register of complaints on the local government’s official website.
Register of Complaints (Minor Breach Findings)
Register of Fees, Expenses and Allowances Paid to Elected Members
Register of fees, expenses and allowances for Elected Members 2023-24
Elected Member Training
In accordance with Part 5, Division 10, s 5.127 of the Local Government Act 1995, a local government must prepare a report for each financial year on the training completed by council members.
The following reports outline the training completed by City of Busselton Elected Members.
Training Reports
Training Report Elected Members 2023/2024
Training Report Elected Members 2022/2023
Training Report Elected Members 2021/2022
Training Report Elected Members 2020/2021
Training Report Elected Members 2019/2020