Mayors for Peace
The City of Busselton became a signatory to the international Mayors for Peace program in October 2016. 
The Mayors for Peace program was established in 1982 with the aim of achieving lasting world peace through inter-city solidarity and raising public consciousness about the need to abolish nuclear weapons. As of 23 July 2020 membership stood at 7,909 cities in 164 countries and regions including 90 across Australia.
The City of Busselton’s Sister City, Sugito, joined the Mayors for Peace program in September 2010 at the suggestion of two local Dunsborough residents, Erin and Casper Adson. More information is available from the Mayors for Peace website.
Hiroshima Ginko Tree
On World Peace Day and in recognition of the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan in 1945, the City of Busselton planted a Ginko Biloba tree in the Rotary Park of Remembrance Busselton on 21 September 2020.
The young tree was gifted to the City of Busselton by the Mayors for Peace. It was grown from seeds from a 200 year old tree that survived the atomic bombing and subsequent fires in Hiroshima in 1945.