Electors' Meetings

Electors Meetings – General

The City of Busselton must hold a General Electors Meeting every financial year, as required by the Local Government Act 1995.

The City may select the day on which the General Electors Meeting will be held, as long it is no later than 56 days after the City has accepted the Annual Report for the previous financial year.

The matters to be heard at a General Electors Meeting are the contents of the Annual Report for the previous financial year and any other general business.

The Chief Executive Officer must provide 14 days’ notice of an Electors Meeting to the public and Councillors.

Electors Meetings – Special

The City of Busselton is to hold a Special Electors Meeting if requested by:

  • 300 electors or 5% of the number of electors (whichever is the lesser number); or
  • 1/3 of the number of Councillors.

A request for a Special Electors Meeting must:

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