Community Engagement

Your Say Busselton 

Your thoughts, feelings and ideas are important to us. What you say will assist Council decision making and ultimately help shape the future of our growing City.  

The City’s online engagement portal Your Say Busselton allows you to share your thoughts and ideas on a wide range of Council activities.

You can provide feedback on topics such as:

  • Specific projects and plans that the City has in mind
  • Development Approvals
  • Local Planning Policies, Local Planning Scheme or other Planning Strategies

Members of the public are also welcome to attend or speak at council or committee meetings. For further information see community participation on the council and committee meetings page.

Your City 2034- be part of the vision

The City of Busselton has partnered with Catalyse to develop a new Council Plan 2024-2034.

As a direct result of reforms to the Local Government Act 1996 and the Integrated Planning and Reporting framework, the City’s draft Council Plan 2024 - 2034 will be produced as the outcome of community engagement and involvement in the strategic planning process. This document will combine the Strategic Community Plan and Corporate Business Plan together into one document. The amalgamation ensures that the Council keeps the community at the forefront of their minds when making planning decisions.

As part of our commitment to review our strategic direction every 4 years, we'd like to hear how the community perceives services, programs and facilities in the City of Busselton and what the Councils priorities should be as we look to 2034 and beyond. The results of this exercise will build on the great input we already have through the development of plans and strategies such as our Economic Development Strategy 2016-2026, Cultural Interpretation Strategy, Sport and Recreation Facilities Strategy 2020-2030, and Youth Plan 2023-2027 and will help to consolidate our future planning. By talking and sharing ideas with each other we can build a framework than can enable our community to live, grow and prosper in a place we can all be proud of.


The development of the Council Plan will occur in a variety of stages over the next 9 months. These stages include:

  • Internal review of existing documents and strategies
  • Catalyse MARKYT Community Scorecard
  • Internal Council workshop
  • Community workshops 
  • Council adoption
  • Launch of Council Plan 2024 -2034

MARKYT Community Scorecard Survey

The results are in from the city-wide survey which was conducted in February and March this year. A total of 1,363 respondents offered their feedback to the City by rating a wide and diverse range of services the City either directly provides, partners with others to facilitate, or advocates for. Through the MARKYT Community Scorecard survey, the City was benchmarked against a range of other local governments, and was rated one of the top ranking regional local governments in WA.

You can view the results and media release below. 

MARKYT Community Scorecard 2024

Register for an upcoming workshop 

Media Release - City of Busselton confirmed as a leading regional local government area! 

Previous Consultations

Community Satisfaction Survey 

The City of Busselton has engaged an independent consultant to undertake a  whole of community satisfaction survey.

The past two surveys have been undertaken by Catalyse and a scorecard has been produced summarising outcomes and identifying areas of strength and opportunities for improvement.

The outcomes of the survey:

  • Support a review of the Strategic Community Plan
  • Assess performance against objectives and key performance indicators in the Strategic Community Plan
  • Help determine community priorities
  • Benchmarks our performance against past years and against other Western Australian local Governments

Community Survey 2020

Community Survey 2017

Liveability Census 2023

Thank you to everyone who took part in the 2023 Australian Liveability Census earlier this year. We had just over 400 responses from within the Local Government Area.

84% of respondents indicated they are satisfied with where they live, giving us an overall liveability score of 70 out of 100. This is a great result, above the national average!

So what are our strengths in the City of Busselton?

  1. Elements of the natural environment
  2. Sense of neighbourhood safety
  3. General condition of public open space

And what do we need to work on?

  1. Promoting protection of the natural environment
  2. Encouraging sustainable behaviours in the community  

Liveability Census 2023 Full Report


Related Information

Community Engagement Framework


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