Proposed City of Busselton Bush Fire Brigade Local Law 2023 - Bush Fires Act 1954
Published on Tuesday, 27 June 2023 at 10:00:09 AM
Notice is hereby given under section 3.12(3) that the City of Busselton proposes to make the City of Busselton Bush Fire Brigades Local Law the purpose and effect of which is as follows:
Purpose: To make provisions about the organisation, establishment, maintenance and equipment of bush fire brigades.
Effect: Bush fire brigades are created in accordance with the Bush Fires Act 1954.
A copy of the local law may be inspected and a copy obtained at the City’s Administration Building, 2 Southern Drive, Busselton between the hours of 8.30am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday, on the City’s online engagement portal at and at any public library within the City of Busselton during normal opening hours.
Submissions about the proposed local law can be made via the City’s online engagement portal at or will be received by the Chief Executive Officer, Locked Bag 1, Busselton until no later than 15 August 2023.
Tony Nottle - Chief Executive Officer