Annual Firebreak Inspections

The City commences firebreak inspections on 15 November each year. 

The purpose of the inspections is to assess landowner/occupier compliance with the Firebreak and Fuel Hazard Reduction Notice (the Notice). All properties are to remain compliant until 30 April the following year.

For a breakdown of what is needed to achieve compliance, please refer to the Notice. 

Rangers carry out inspections and are appointed Fire Control Officers (FCO) under the Bush Fires Act 1954. The Act provides FCOs the authority to enter any land or building, including private property, to carry out inspections. 

Firebreak Variations

Where there are valid environmental or on-ground considerations that prevent full compliance with the Notice, landowners may apply to the City for a variation. A variation must be lodged in writing on a Firebreak and Fuel Hazard Reduction Variation Form. Applications for a variation must be submitted by 31 October each year.

Firebreak Contractors

The City maintains a list of Firebreak Contractors who are commercially available to carry out firebreak compliance works on behalf of property owners. Any such arrangements are a private matter between the property owner and the contractor.

The responsibility for compliance with the annual firebreak notice by the due date rests solely with the owner/occupier of the land regardless of whether or not a contractor has been engaged.

Bushfire Risk Management Plan 2019 to 2024

The City has developed a Bushfire Risk Management Plan (BRMP) the aim of which is to document a coordinated and efficient approach towards the identification, assessment and treatment of assets exposed to bushfire risk within the District.

The purpose of the BRMP is to effectively manage bushfire risk within the City in order to protect people, assets and other things of local value. Specifically the objectives are to:

  • Guide and coordinate tenure blind, multi-agency risk management program over a five year period
  • Document the process used to identify, analyse and evaluate risk, determine priorities and develop a plan to systematically treat risk
  • Facilitate the effective use of the financial and physical resources available for bushfire risk management activities
  • Integrate bushfire risk management into the business processes of local government, land owners and other agencies
  • Ensure there is integration between land owners and bushfire risk management programs and activities
  • Monitor and review the implementation of treatments to ensure treatment plans are adaptable and risk is managed at an acceptable level.

Related Information

Firebreak and Fuel Hazard Reduction Notice

Firebreak Contractors

Bushfire Risk Management Plan (BRMP)

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