Donations, Contributions and Subsidies

The City of Busselton makes provision in its annual budget to support eligible groups and individuals with sponsorship that assists them to pursue and achieve endeavours with direct benefit to the broader community.

General Application Guidelines 

  • Applicants must be City of Busselton residents or, in the case of a group or team, must be operating from and based in the City of Busselton.
  • As a general rule, applicants will only be eligible to apply for funding once within any financial year.
  • For consideration, completed applications must be received by the City of Busselton prior to the date of the event / activity.
  • The application must specify the event or activity date.
  • Applicants must demonstrate that their pursuit has a direct benefit to the local community.
  • Applicants must identify sponsorship recognition opportunities for the City of Busselton.
  • Applicants must identify the impact (if any) that failure to receive funding would have on the event or activity.

Guidelines - Donations, Contributions & Subsidies Fund

Guidelines Relating to Events

To receive City sponsorship your event must:

  • Achieve the status of an ‘approved community event’, such as:
  • Be organised by a non-profit community, cultural or sporting group.
  • Be staged in a public place within the City of Busselton.
  • Demonstrate that it will positively enhance the public profile of the City of Busselton.
  • Demonstrate broad community involvement.
  • Groups making an application must be a recognised community group / not-for-profit organisation or be running a not-for-profit event or activity.
  • Applicants must specify the funding amount requested. Regardless of whether the application is being submitted on the part of a group or individual, this amount must not exceed $1,000.00.
  • Applicants must detail how the funding will be used, noting that funds will not generally be provided to cover every-day operating expenses associated with core functions.
  • Applicants must identify other funding sources or provide an outline of self-generating income activities proposed to support the event.

Guidelines Relating to Individuals or Groups Representing the City

The CEO may also approve the allocation of funds on the basis of ‘special circumstances’.

This may include funding support for groups or individuals requiring financial assistance to pursue endeavours that bring credit or acclaim to the City of Busselton.

This extends to:

  • Individuals / groups representing the municipality at a state, national or international sporting or cultural event who may require assistance with accommodation, travel and other incidental costs; and
  • Other applicants considered ‘worthy’ by the CEO.
  • Applicants applying for funding to attend a sporting or cultural event as a representative of the municipality, state or country must provide proof of their selection through a formal qualifying process.
  • If applicants meet the requirements, $300 is provided for individuals attending an event / activity representing the municipality at State level and $500 for individuals attending an event / activity representing the country. Groups / teams attending the same event / activity are encouraged to submit one application on the part of all participating members.

Submitting an Application

For funding consideration all applicants must complete the Donations, Contributions and Subsidies Fund Application form. Only completed applications received prior to the activity or event will be considered.

Donations, Contributions and Subsidies Fund Application

Applications can be:



City of Busselton
Executive Assistant to Council
Locked Bag 1


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