Published on Wednesday, 9 November 2022 at 12:11:41 PM
This bushfire season the City of Busselton will be trialling a new SMS notification system to advise community members when a Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban is being issued.
Acting Chief Executive Officer, Paul Needham said text messages will be sent to residents and businesses who have registered, alongside the City’s formal notifications to necessary authorities.
“The new free trial service will complement our existing communication methods, including the City’s website and Facebook page. Harvest and Vehicle Movement Bans are also advertised on ABC South West radio at regular intervals throughout the day when a ban is issued.”
“A Harvest and Vehicle Movement Ban restricts the use of engines, vehicles, plant and machinery during certain times of the day and is put in place for a local government area when these activities are identified by the local Chief Bush Fire Control Officer as high risk.”
Harvest and Vehicle Movement Bans are different to Total Fire Bans, which are issued by the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES).
Community members should not solely rely on this service for information related to bushfire events in their area and are encouraged to monitor emergency updates on ABC South West radio, Emergency WA’s website and via the DFES information line on 13 33 37. For life threatening emergencies call 000.
To receive SMS notifications to your mobile device for Harvest and Vehicle Movement Bans being issued within the City of Busselton, please complete the online form below.
Sign up for SMS Notification for Harvest and Vehicle Movement Bans
This is a service the City is trialling for the 2022/2023 fire season, following community feedback.
Objectives outlined in this statement are aligned with the City of Busselton’s Strategic Community Plan (2021 - 2031) Key Themes, Leadership: A Council that connects with the community and is accountable in its decision making.
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