Development Contributions

What are development contributions? 

‘Development’ or ‘Infrastructure’ contributions are payments or works-in-kind towards the delivery of development and community infrastructure to meet the needs of future population which is generated by new developments and subdivisions. They are used to fund roads, drainage, community and recreation centres, sporting facilities, libraries, and other community facilities.

For more information on development contribution payments and amounts, click on the link below.

Planning Checklists, Forms and Fees

The City’s infrastructure contribution arrangements for community infrastructure

Infrastructure contributions for community facilities were first included in the City’s Scheme in 2006. From the existing Community Facilities Implementation Policy a Development Contribution Plan was created which was introduced into the Local Planning Scheme in 2011. Currently, Schedule 10 within the City’s Local Planning Scheme No.21 and Development Contribution Area 1 guides developer contributions towards the provision of district and local community facilities.

The intent is to review this current framework to align with the City’s Community Infrastructure Plan adopted in December 2022.


Community Infrastructure Plan

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