Gross Rental Value or unimproved value re-valuations - Effective 1 July 2022

Published on Wednesday, 27 July 2022 at 11:50:18 AM

The 2022/23 annual rate notices are due to be issued on the 12th August 2022. The rates on these notices were calculated by multiplying the properties Gross Rental Value (GRV) or Unimproved Value (UV) by the rate in the dollar as set by Council in its 2022/23 annual budget.

For the 2022/23 financial year, it is intended that there will be an average 3.5% increase in rates across the rating categories, which aligns with Council’s Long Term Financial Plan.

It should be noted that for some property’s this increase will be proportionately higher. This is because effective from the 1st July 2022 all rateable properties within the City of Busselton (City) will have a new GRV or UV following a revaluation.

These new valuations are provided independently to the City by the Valuer Generals Office (VGO) every 3 to 6 years for GRV and yearly for UV, per the Valuation of Land Act 1978. All values are assessed by the VGO as at the same date of valuation, which for this revaluation was the 1st August 2021, and must be used in the rates calculations as per the Local Government Act 1995 (LGA).

In total, GRV’s have increased by a total average of 22.60%, and by an average of 24.82% per property, with UV’s increasing by a total average of 10.62%, and by an average of 10.11% per property. When setting the 2022/23 rate in the dollar, both the total GRV and UV valuation increases were taken into consideration as best as possible for each differential rating category. However, if a property’s valuation has increased above the total average, then this property’s rate increase will more than likely be higher than the average 3.5% increase. Under the LGA, a rate in the dollar must be applied to all properties within a differential rating category, and not individually property by property.

If there are any queries in relation to property valuations then please refer to the VGO web site at or call their customer service on 61 (08) 9273 7373 for more information.


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