Notice of proposal to close a section of Talma Circuit, Vasse
Published on Wednesday, 5 January 2022 at 12:07:23 PM
Referring to the map, the City is seeking submissions in two parts. Firstly, it is proposed that pursuant to the Local Government Act 1995, Talma Circuit is closed to the passage of vehicles between Lynwood Street and approximately 90m west of Stylaster Circuit. This temporary closure is planned to be for a duration of 22 weeks commencing 20 January 2022.
Secondly, it is proposed that pursuant to the Land Administration Act 1997, the western end of Talma Circuit is closed permanently. In accordance with the Western Australian Planning Commission approved structure plan for Vasse, direct linkage with Lynwood Street is to be removed as Talma Circuit is to deviate north and run parallel with Lynwood Street.
The City is seeking written submissions to the temporary closure of a section of Talma Circuit by 19 January 2022. For the permanent closure of the western portion of Talma Circuit, the City requires submissions to be received 11 February 2022.
Submissions may be delivered by: (a) email to; (b) post to the City of Busselton, Locked Bag 1, Busselton WA 6280; or (c) handed to the customer service desk at the City Offices at 2 Southern Drive, Busselton. Please provide contact details on all submissions and reference as WE21/2713.
Enquiries regarding this proposal may be made to Andrew Scott on telephone (08) 9781-0402 or by email to