South West Aboriginal Medical Service takes on Locke Estate Lease

Published on Thursday, 7 July 2022 at 6:00:00 PM

The City is pleased to announce it has entered into a lease arrangement with the South West Aboriginal Medical Service (SWAMS) as the successful proponent under an expression of interest for a campsite at Locke Estate, Siesta Park.

SWAMS is a reputable Aboriginal Community Controlled health organisation that provides holistic wrap around health services to the Aboriginal community of the South West region and beyond. The organisation has exciting plans for the campsite and the City is confident that this development will further improve health and social outcomes for the Aboriginal community and welcomes culture on the land. 

The City’s Acting Chief Executive Officer Tony Nottle said “This week also marks NAIDOC week, a time where we acknowledge and celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal people. This timely lease arrangement will extend opportunity for SWAMS to offer important accessible programs and services of support, care and education to Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people in Busselton and the greater South West.” 

SWAMS Chief Executive Officer, Lesley Nelson said “We propose to use the campsite at Locke Estate as a culturally safe space to deliver social, emotional and physical health programs. We’re excited for what’s to come, intending to offer a diverse range of services, including youth camps, Elders groups, men’s and women’s groups, cultural immersion and health related programs.” 

SWAMS proposes to develop a community hub with family units, dorm buildings, common areas, a caretaker’s residence and a fire pit. The proposed buildings will integrate with the bushland and coastal surrounding. Where possible, SWAMS have also indicated an intent to use solar and sustainable energy options and undertake revegetation. 

SWAMS demonstrated experience in setting up new clinical services across the South West region and across their 35,000sq km footprint highlights the drive, passion and professionalism of the organisation. The City looks forward to growing relationships with both SWAMS and the Aboriginal community. 

Objectives outlined in this statement are aligned with the City of Busselton’s Strategic Community Plan (2021 - 2031) Key Themes, Opportunity: A vibrant City with diverse opportunities and a prosperous economy.

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