Joint Project Announced to Help Protect City of Busselton from Coastal Flooding

Published on Tuesday, 12 April 2022 at 10:57:47 AM

The City of Busselton welcomes the Australian Government announcement of the new $7 million project to mitigate the risk of coastal flooding, typically associated with tropical cyclone storm surges to the larger regional City of Busselton. 

Funded 50:50 jointly by the Australian Government and the City of Busselton, the project managed by the City will seek to progressively build community resilience; in emergency planning, impact modelling and through the construction of protective built and natural infrastructure.

The project scope of works includes four components that will seek to progress mitigation of the risk of coastal flooding associated with tropical cyclone storm surges. These components are emergency response, coastal investigations that includes flood modelling, dune resilience works and as an outcome of the coastal investigations, the provision of coastal flood protection.

The emergency response component comprise of the installation of a real-time seabed wave and water level recorder offshore near the Busselton Jetty. This will allow for the validation of storm surge models and improvements to real-time storm surge predictions by the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) and the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES).

The coastal investigations includes the undertaking of a detailed coastal survey to provide an up-to-date bathymetry for coastal flood modelling (tropical cyclones). The coastal sand dune resilience works initially involves vegetation mapping and fauna surveying. The final component of the project has an infrastructure focus. This would also be based on the modelling undertaken and would involve the design and construction of coastal levees in known areas of vulnerability adjacent to low lying areas of Busselton.

City of Busselton Mayor, Grant Henley has welcomed the partnership with the Australian Government to deliver this project.

“This project forms part of our Coastal Management Program (2020-2030), and aims to facilitate strategic, effective and sustainable coastal adaptation by the City of Busselton along the Geographe Bay foreshore over the next 10 years.”

“It will enhance our emergency response preparedness through early warning systems, and provide physical barriers to protect against storm surges,” Mayor Henley said.

Objectives outlined in this statement are aligned with the City of Busselton’s Strategic Community Plan (2021 - 2031) Key Themes, Environment: An environment that is valued, conserved and enjoyed by current future generations.

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