City of Busselton acquires 465ha for future recreational purposes

Published on Saturday, 21 October 2023 at 12:04:12 PM

  • 465ha of land to be purchased at Sues Road, Yalyalup
  • A lease back arrangement will allow Tronox to continue its mining operations
  • Acquired for future recreational purposes

The City of Busselton and Tronox have agreed to finalise a contract of sale for the City to acquire 465 hectares of land at Lot 100 Sues Road, Yalyalup. This is one of the largest parcels of land within the City of Busselton. 

The journey began two years ago when the Sues Road land was identified for purchase and the City sold 136 hectares of land in Ambergate to help fund the purchase of the property. 

A lease back arrangement will be in place to allow Tronox to continue its mineral sands mining operations on the property. The lease will provide revenue to the City, as well as allow for a staged handover of rehabilitated mining areas over the coming years. 

Mayor Grant Henley said “Council has stressed that this land is not suitable for residential purposes due to the proximity of the airport. It has been purchased for a future recreational park that will help meet the needs and aspirations of our community.” 

“While it has been a lengthy process, it’s nice to see the acquisition come to fruition. Tronox is a global leader in mineral sands mining and Titanium Dioxide pigment. I commend them for their professionalism and community mindedness throughout the negotiations.” 

Tronox Southern Operations Site Director, Braam Rousseau said “We have a proud record of land rehabilitation in WA, ranging from pastoral to native bush. It’s fantastic that we can contribute back to the community by progressively handing back this land and I hope that many generations of South West residents will enjoy the future facilities.” 

The City will now establish a working group to guide the development and progress of a master plan for the site. 

Objectives outlined in this statement are aligned with the City of Busselton’s Strategic Community Plan (2021 - 2031) Key Themes Lifestyle: A place that is relaxed, safe and friendly with services and facilities that support our lifestyle. 

Photo provided for general use: Picture L-R: City of Busselton Cr Jodie Richards; CEO Tony Nottle and Mayor Grant Henley; Tronox Southern Operations Site Director, Braam Rousseau; and City of Busselton Cr Anne Ryan. 

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